If I lived a thousand years,
You know, I never could explain.
The way I lost my heart to you,
that day.
But if destiny decided,
I should look the other way.
Then the world would never know,
The greatest story ever told.
11 Jan is my day.
Dunman Secondary School.
It's Complicated . ]:
date: Sunday, March 15, 2009
time: 3/15/2009 10:19:00 PM
comments: 0
 The usual things i will do is wake up , bathe , and do the chores that has been told . As usual too , my mum won't stop her blabberings and always need to do whatever she says even when i'm busy with loads of homeworks . When i feel irritated , i just switched on my handphone and turn the music out loud in my headset , so that i could ignore the blabberings . To make myself very clear , i hate people who are very irritating and can't even SHUT UP for a few minutes . Like a few of my classmates .. like Ivan , Chin How and etc . I think they just don't know how to keep quiet , sit still and pay attention to instructions . And seriously , i just simply hate people who ignores me and think that i'm a dummy who is just sitting/standing and watch them talking to other people when i'm talking to them . They are Lutfiah and a few bitches from other classes . So , be reminded of this .
Walk Away . . .
eeee-mail: green_diamondgurl@yahoo.com.sg
msn: weirdy_gal96@hotmail.com
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