IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
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If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
7309644603186874694 date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 time: 7/28/2009 09:35:00 PM comments: 0
Today, i've got the chance to know tht guy's name.
i cant tell you,but all i can just say is tht his name starts with the letter 'H'. a very popular name, used by most ppl in the World,especially the Malays. You may guess,okay? But, his name doesnt really suit with his appearance coz he looked like I.D . Looks more like a Hindustani. Yeahh,he looks like my 'ehem'..haha(for me)! Haha..ohya! How can i forget this "IMPORTANT" thingy(for me)!!?? I also got to noe tht Sya2 giler is not org puteh. She's like me, Arab. But Reesya said she's org puteh ? How i noe she's Arab? Nana told me. But i dont know if tht's true..but i gotta strong feeling tht she is. Yeahh..i call her 'Arab Tiarap' . Huahahaha!!! Tht's a good 'nick' to call her, aye ? HAHA! Cuzz,she dyed her hair(which i tot it was her natural hair),tiny skirt(nak step minah uh,eh?) abe socks kao da kena mkn ngan kasot kao?? haha! HAHAHA!!! eh2..knape kan, kao tk kasi slua dlm kao mkn skirt kao skali ? Haha..biar la org nmpk PUKI kao skali ehk.. ! HUAHAHAHAHA!!! eh, stop it ah Sya! Dah la sombong nk mampos! Eh,pernah tau..aku senyom kt die,dier tengok aku mcm 'strange' gtu tau..mcm as if aku tngah senyom kt Hantuu. Sial kann ? Sombong pey 'Arab Tiarap' .. Mke,rambot kao tu,biar natural. Biar original! Aku pon Arab jgak..tapy tk mcm kao..GILERR!!! Puki makk.. tk pyh nk step minah uh.. Seriously , kao tk menjady ! So,stop it..dont continue it. step lawa tros. mak kao lagy lawa uhh.. Lelaki tkde taste jer ske kao..AHAHA! Okayy2.. Bsok ade FLINT!!! Yayy!!! But not for HAIRDRESSING! siol.. hopefully , dpt swap course ngan sape2 yg nk swap ngan sye eyh.. YA ALLAH! TLG SYE!! TLG SYE TKAR COURSE!!!!! Amiiinnnn.. (: okay..gtg. whatever will be, will be. (: |
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
On wednesday;Gerekk tol !but, at first, ingat dpt ...
Ilham :DCHILDHOOD !okayy.. you must be wondering w... Only pics will be uploaded . :D iLoveYou.(who uhh???) ;D who am i talking abt ??... In the bus .-_-haha !waitinq..Yesterday ..BNYK bad... not gonna post for quite a looooooooongggggggg tym... CHARACTERS(ME:prep)Okaes.. :DDDToday is quite bori... The BLOODSISTERS ;DBEAR2My fav bear2My tiny bear2b... love is wat i c in, ur smile is wat ... Hair like emO ppl sia ..My Latest Edited photo .:D... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
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talk, non-stop!