IsmaDina ♥
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If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
4615445062587548569 date: Monday, January 18, 2010 time: 1/18/2010 08:18:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Do you have any idea what you've done? you took the only thing that beats in me. I tried to get you out of my head, but you insisted that you stayed here too. So what am I supposed to do? Should I.. let you keep me open while I'm hanging on your rope? cause I'm.. thinking, wishing, hoping that you'll never do me wrong? Never thought that love could be this hard, trying to get you to give me your heart. So deceiving, feeling speechless, and defeated. A white flag is above my door, cause you got everything that you came here for. Got what you needed, now I'm bleeding, and defeated. I'm out of love. Tell me, is there someone else that you see? Cause everything that's different with me. If so,just tell me the truth.. and I'll go. Look the other way and let it be. haiyoh. tadi aku ternampak gamba WonderWoman baruuu! dulu mcm alim mane manerh, pakai tudung tu sume...tapee, skrg da FLOP. terok eyh? pkai baju sume terbukak aurat die. Rabakkk. eh. cermin diri kau dlu bley tak? tak payah nak step mcm kau tu mane peyh mina ah eyh. kau tu, cket pon tak lawa okeyh? leypak sini, leypak sana. eh. siape2 pon buley leypak laa dok. you're not the only B*tch yg boleyh step mina. aku pon boley. hahahahahaha! ey. get this in your bloody head. aku klau step mina, lagi menjadi dripda kau. ade faham? prangai takmu keling laa sayang. aku tengok gamba2 kau mcm gtu, tros aku ade TRAUMA! asyik teringat balek jek. entah ahsal. maybe you're too FUGLY. haha. yeaa. memang pon. sedar laa diri kau cket makcik oii. kau pkai baju2 mcm gtu pon eh, satu mat pon tak pandang sebab you're so the very HODOH. haizz. classmate aku dlu Si Yan Jing tu pon, lagi lawa aku rase. so get this in your fucking head. KALAU KAU TU TAK LAWA, JANGAN NAK STEP LAWA. YOU'RE SOOO NOT HOT. geddit? (: |
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watch this video. kekek smcm! hahahahahah! (:bythe...
When you love somebody, just go and tell the perso... Leypakkksaann !bajuuu skola lah seyh! (:yowyow!hah... weywey !Tomorrow's my berstdaye ! haha. yeaaaa. hm... weyyow !haha. OMG. just now at sch, Syabilla and N... WOW. cool pic huh? (: yeaah. tht's me, yow. yeah.1... ANOTHER 13 MORE DAYS TO MY BERSTDAYYY !!!! (:HAHAH... Type Of Guys That I Don't Like ;- i dont like guys... on Saturday ; went to E!hub for Alvin and Chipm... you see, my words can only hurt you . But it doesn... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
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