IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
![]() Visitors ♥
If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
1105370364238021704 date: Friday, August 14, 2009 time: 8/14/2009 12:19:00 AM comments: 0
today at sch ;
msk2 uhh. hahahaha! kite smue kene msk Keema ngan Pilau . paling best skali is when aq kene msk Keema sndri . :D dh mix ni mix tu , msk tu Keema..rase pnyer la POWERR!! haha..Pro kann aku ? (eh2..prasan eh ! GILA!) not pro la..Hazirah ade tlg jgak..nt all she helped. Abes tu , container aq plak pecah kt tepi. ntah saper gile gi tkar aku nyer container..mesti kene taw tu org! dh msk sodapp-sodapp..container bocor kt tepi. WTH ?! aku dh la bru beli tu container..kt skola lagi aq beli ! Kimekkk . Pastu balikk ngan Irene .. abe jln long way gi balik rumah . bley pengsan siak ! balik , buwatt bisness kt toilet jap..pas tu rilek2 .. den ngok tv . ngok tv den maen comp .! haha! okayy..bsok ade CPA! yessaa!! my fav subject of all! kay.. photos? will be uploaded soon..especially yg kt FLINT pnyer gmbr ! hehe.. klaw da view aq pey blog tu , pls laa..kasi la tag . kecian tagboard aq dok diam2 kt situ.. tk kecian ker , huh ??? haizz... :) whatever will be, will be . ~ |
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
WEY!!!dont worry uhh..dat HOT-HOT guyy up there is...
On wednesday ;peyy gerekk kann..mcm ape siak.kt ha... Today, i've got the chance to know tht guy's name.... On wednesday;Gerekk tol !but, at first, ingat dpt ... Ilham :DCHILDHOOD !okayy.. you must be wondering w... Only pics will be uploaded . :D iLoveYou.(who uhh???) ;D who am i talking abt ??... In the bus .-_-haha !waitinq..Yesterday ..BNYK bad... not gonna post for quite a looooooooongggggggg tym... CHARACTERS(ME:prep)Okaes.. :DDDToday is quite bori... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
CLASS BLOGGY♥ BlogShop.♥ Izzah♥ Iffah♥ bbyeerah♥ Rashidah♥ Aisyah♥ ShidaDeanda♥ NanaStarkiddo♥ Ilah Aryadne♥ Shantoshini(Aamiran)♥ Ethyl♥ Shiqyn♥ Rara 'aiai♥ AyieSachok♥ Don♥ Ozie♥ |
talk, non-stop!