IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
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If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
6303875247798699358 date: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 time: 12/23/2009 07:28:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() ey yow . yesterday 2 of our relatives from Indo came . they came here together with our nenek. both are ladies . one is my nenek's adeq..the other one is her niece, Tante Mariam . But she's married and da ade 2 anak . they came here , we joked like whatt seyh . LOL . xD and Tante Mariam said, "wahh, semua ny cantik2 bgt! feeling q ky ktmu ma superstar gtu!" hahahahaha. cool eyh? she said if we're gonna go to Indo, even celebrities will chase after us. hahah . JUST IMAGINEEE . (: yeeaa . . her pic is the 1st one up there . :D abt the post on 21 Dec ; knp laa ade org yg trase sgt2 ??? sampai ckp sorry2 nie sume ... haiyoh . when i'm not referring to you then don't say sorraye . abt Fiqah-Rafiqah & co. ; ey yow bitches . bbl jgn nak over urh eyh . Hari Raye krg dok diam2 kt rumah datok aku, kt sni krg step mane peyh besar eh ?? HUAHAHAHAH ! tak menjady la dengs . haha . nak carik psl , mesty ade tetek laaaaa . klau da tembos, takya la eyh . (: haha . klau ade tetek, hah . dtg face-to-face kay ? :D da bagos aku letak link BLOG rafiqah "tersayang" kiteee (: siape2 nak tau siape the B*tches tu , tekan link tu kt bwh nie . (: tengok kte semcm jek tau . tau laa..kte nie lawa sgt kan ?? :D hahahahahahaha . crazayye b*tches . ♥ Dinah |
March 2009
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August 2009
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December 2009
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June 2010
July 2010
baby, baby, baby,
this how you gonna pl...
99 Facts About A Guy . (true or not?) Guys don’t a... He broke my heart . Last thursday , we celebrated Abdillah's birthday ... THAT'S MY BABYY UP THERE IN THE VIDEO !hahah . jk ... For the past few days, been watching a funny2 movi... DANCE PREMIER LEAGUE !Yaseer . (:mke cacat sial !... On Sunday ;celebrated mommy & daddy's Anni . (:hah... <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 f... The berstday boy ! haha ! :Daiyoyo thambi ! tangan... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
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