IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
![]() Visitors ♥
If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
5959821338049614729 date: Friday, December 4, 2009 time: 12/04/2009 08:31:00 PM comments: 0
the trip to Melaka .. okay2 la heh . wake up in the morning at 6.30 .. blablabla.. we did last minute packing .. went down at 8.30 and waited for the van for 10 mins . ohmygod . we sat inside the van for like 3-4 hours liddat . . mak ai . pnye laa boriinngg . oh yea. when ontheway to the WC(woodlands checkpoint) , Izzah was still busy texting her one & only , Farhat . yeah .. using ma phone . then bile da msok MY, she shouted and scolded me like hell. izzah , " asal kau tak check siang2 ?!?! " me , " mane aku tau ! " izzah , " kan tengok ! da msok Malaysia !!! " me , " haha ! padan muke ! " izzah , " heeesshh ! sial laa !! " hahaha . :D reached the hotel at arnd.. 2 or 3 plus and then went back down for lunch . the mall is very damn big ! ppl could get lost sia . haha . and yeah . seriously, org2 pt stu sume nak step mats and minas..but kesian sekali, diorg tak menjadys . xD their eyes right..mcm nak kena cocok klua tau. they kept staring at us like hell . tau laa..kte nie lawa sgt2 !!!!! hahahaha ! kaysiao . then balek , we went for swimming..yeah. maghrib2 kte gy swim eyh . :D the next day, we went shopping and all tht . then , kte gy Arcade ! haha . tht time, didnt have the mood to play anything.. tapi the rest maen dengan khusyuk skali ! hahaha . uhuh . then we went for the FishSpa . like, ohmygoodness kt dlm spa tuh ! was too scared to put my leg into the spa . but still put it inside . . but kena 1 fish jek, tros da cancel the spa. hahahaha . can't take it . then while waiting for the rest in the spa, me , izzah , yaseer and Abiya jalan2 tengok whatever kedai yg ade kt stu .then at night, we went to the Bazaar . haha. and there, we met an Arab family . they sell diamond rings and bracelets . we called this one guy " Mr-Ohh-So-Hott " . haha . cuz he's hot . when he and his bro saw us, they said, "SubhanAllah, cantiknya! " hahaha . :D yeah .. butbutbut ! they got one more bro ! this one.. is the one whom i called him " Mr-Ohh-Too-Hott " ! haha . cuz he wears all black . black tee, black pants and his hair is damn spiky ! yeah ! too hott . (: he stared at me and smiled ! weeeee ! happeee naaa ! :D then the next day, we went to another mall . over there, Abiya gaduh with an idiotic apek in the photo shop. actually i dont really understand why they fight . my aunt scold tht apek...many vulgarities sume klua. then my dad pon joined in and scold tht apek sampai nk panggil police and all tht . . cuz tht idiot apek called my aunt a BASTARD . sial kan ? Mak ai peyy malaysians ! i just looked at tht apek like i want to tumbok his face until all his teeth sume pecah ! aku stare pat die mcm tenga balas dendam .. HAHA ! org2 gile yg jual barang kat kedai2 laen sume stare pt kte laen mcm . seybowk jek . yeah . then went back to our hotel and get ready cuz nak klua for dinner at some seafood 'restaurant' ? OHMYGOD . it doesnt even looked like a restaurant . it looked like a cat's restaurant ! everywhere cats ! you know , i hate cats . i'm afraid of it . skejap2 jalan kat bawah krosi org la..kaki org la. ish ! takde peace tau nak mkn ! asyik terkejot2kan org jek . yeah . and you know ? kat Melaka, kat tepi jalan pon ade kubur ! Astagah . tak senang org nak jalan kat stu .. ! haha . then when nak check out the hotel, Mr Puteh Melepak(org keje kat hotel) stared at us..this time, mke die brubah. cuz slalunye, he saw us and smiled at us widely. yeah .. he looked like Baihakki . you know who's tht right ? yeah .. but this guy is better than Baihakki . ;D when ontheway nak gy Johor balek, i got a msg . haha. and it's from Fikkie(Fikhry) . he's the first person to text me . not even my own bestie does tht . heeeeeee(: tht's so sweet of you, Fikkie. (: ohkay . till here . BTW, please do watch tht 2 videos up there . cuz it's very COOL ! haha . DPL( Dance Premier League) rocks .. ! especially Central Surmas's team and Western Yodhas's team ! :D |
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
On Sunday ;celebrated mommy & daddy's Anni . (:hah...
<!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 f... The berstday boy ! haha ! :Daiyoyo thambi ! tangan... yesterday ;watched the movie Kuntilanak Kamar Maya... BoA ft Vanessa Hudgens ; Touched (:Saw you standin... That chubby2 cute little baby is my adeq yg tersyg... heyhey people !changed my blog skin . pictures of ... YASEER, my cousin yg tersyg skali :)nth to do..jus... Nunu & Ms Wongeerah & nana jowget ! xDshan , Ms Ch... [:wow. to me, i think our class is the most beaut... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
CLASS BLOGGY♥ BlogShop.♥ Izzah♥ Iffah♥ bbyeerah♥ Rashidah♥ Aisyah♥ ShidaDeanda♥ NanaStarkiddo♥ Ilah Aryadne♥ Shantoshini(Aamiran)♥ Ethyl♥ Shiqyn♥ Rara 'aiai♥ AyieSachok♥ Don♥ Ozie♥ |
talk, non-stop!