Nunu & Ms Wong

eerah & nana jowget ! xD

shan , Ms Chong , Rashidah

Nice right ???? :DDD

Blurr ah . :D

holaa (:
kays..just now reached school, straight away must rush to the kitchen to cook. haha. Mdm Ng kept shouting and shouting seyh . x bley angks ahh ! xD kaykay. cooked together with Ethyl & Shanto ! :D heehee. fun laa sia . you know, we cooked from 8 plus till 10 plus ?! PHEW ! we're(all those who were cooking) soooooo daaammmnnnn TIRED. aft cooking, all of us, the chefs , went to our ' restaurant ' . there are sooo many guest , our teachers && principals tersygs(mrs neo & ms chong
) . heehee(: okay .