heyhey people !
changed my blog skin . pictures of me + my idol , VANESSA ANNE HUDGENS ! (:
Nice right .. ? heehee(: kayhkayh . whatever .
there's nothing much to post about. Hahs. i just can't wait to go to Melaka with my beloved family and cousins . they're the BEST ! yeap . heehee(: ILOVETHEMSOOMUCH . ((:
class party ?
i'm soo sorry guys. i cannot celebrate with you all..and Mr Sim ! OhmyGod .
i'm gonna miss euu guys man .
IMYGSM laa sia ! especially, my
Bloodsisters . ;(
Aku Winduuww Korangg Sgt2 tau !!! ;(
Kaylarh . till here onlyy (:
Adi0s Amig0s ~