IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
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If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
1584191831877861727 date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 time: 1/27/2010 04:19:00 PM comments: 0
Kristinia DeBarge - Cried Me A River .
CODY SIMPSON ! (: School ; getting busier than ever because of homeworks and projects! too many! i hate homeworks. hahah. "Homework..SUCKS." :D hahahah. that's what Cody said. hahaha. especially Design and Technology. btol2 pey :P. Bitchaaa ; nak tau siape Si Bitchaaa nie? name diek Syafiqah. we've known each other for 3 years..but aku step baek2 ngan diek. like..WhatTheHell?! seriously. i hate her. mcm nak muntah aku tengok muke diek. abe nak prasan yang die tu lagi lawa dari aku?? woi. sedar laa cket diri kau tu siape. muke kau mcm kuda tau tak? Horse. rambot pon mcm horse. hahahahah. know what she said to Namirah? "engkau first lawa, then aku..abe Dinah last." 2x5 kentot. prangai takmo keling la gerl. pernah tengok cermin tak? ke tak pernah? kalau aku berdiri sebelah kau kt depan cermin, banyak difference laaa. satu Vanessa Hudgens(hahaha..mcm faham.), lagi satu Horse. kankankan? hahaha. muke kau tu mcm taik. TAIK! perempuan paling beeyol and tak sedar diri nak mam yang aku kenal is this Horsey. nak tengok muke die? pergi carik sendiri kat Facebook. name die start with Puteri Nur Syafiqah. confirm satu kali tengok, dah takley angks. haha. sebab..muke die RABAK. lagi rabak daripada Miley Cyrus or or, lagi rabak dari Horse! it's very obvious that this bitch is jealous. haha. obviously laaa..i'm muchmuchmuch more better than her. orang2 yang stead ngan die or pernah stead ngan die kan..tu sume namenye lelaki2 yang takda taste. am i right? hahahahahahahahahahahahah! Izzah's prob with Farhat ; eyh Farhat cheebai . perangai kau betolbetol macam seeyal eh? kau lebih pilih perempuan keling mane entah yang nak step mane peyh lawa yang tak menjadi? hahaha. woooooohooohooo. kau suke orang keling?? hahaha. kalau kau suke aku pon takpe jgak babi. taktau plak eh yang kau nie takde taste. handsome tak guna. hahahah. eyh. budak skola aku yang aku penah bilang kau tu eh, lagi handsome dri kau. seriously. TWO TIMER! bodo nak mampos. kakak aku lagi better looking dripada si keling tu laa kimak. eh. GY MAMPOS LAA! suke keling takde babat plak tuh. she came home, looking for me and cried in front of me, IDIOT! SLUT. BASTARD. FUCKER. PUKI. TAIK. SIAL. ASSHOLE. CHEEBAI. KENTOT. BYATCH. CHEYBOKK. FUCKTARD. DICKHEAD. MORON. RASCAL. BABI. BUTO. GUNDOO. BRENGSEK! fuuh. nampak tu ? panjang2 aku letak. tapi nie tak cukop tau gile. kalau aku jumpe kau, aku tumbok muke kau sampai hancur..sampai takde satu perempuan pon yang nak pandang. faham ??? and when that happens, my sister will be the only one who will be there for you. BUTOOO! that's how loyal she is to someone she LOUVE. hahahahahaha. it's actually LOVE. hiak2! lelaki sume memang buto. bile diorang tau yang this girl likes them, nanti diorg step tak cukop perempuan! ey jantan seeyal! kakak aku is the best girl you can ever hope for laaa! even when she broke up with her ex, the guy said she doesn't deserve to be left neglected with an irresponsible guy like him. and this is exactly what you're doing, cheebai!! NEGLECTING!! BUTOOOOOOOO! She can get Zakaria, or even Alwee with the snap of the fingers. i got the same prob too. hahahah. :P my prob with _____ ; that _____ perangai semakin sial. die dah tak layan aku lagi tau si cheebai nie. aku mesej punye mesej punye mesej, die ignore. EH KIMAK! kalau kau da ade betina laen, then please get the hell outta my life. FAHAM?! step busy, step prepaid low.....padahal tak! don't give me such stupid reasons okay? aku kenal laa jantan2 sial macam kau. step je nak loyal. last2, neglect. EH! jantan Woodlands sume tak reti loyal laa! EH! aku rase mcm nak pekik sampai satu blok aku berGEGAR. sume jantan mcm Farhat, dengan diek nie..sume mcm SIAL. mcm nak ambek pisau nak cocok diorang nie! bdw, korang2 yang takde kene-mengena dengan prob nie jangan nak terase. FARHAT! ______!!! aku tak suke kau lagi lah ____! aku skrg suke R____. dekat Woodlands jgak die tinggal. hehehehe. tapi korang nak kene jugak. siapppp ! And now the sun is the long walk back home. there's just so many faces..but no one I need to know. now my heart is broken..,like the bottles on the floor. now my head is throbbing every song is out of tune. just like you. Now I've got myself looking like a mess. standing alone trying to pretend but no. I'm here in the end, trying to pretend. you've been blowing me up on my cellyphone. there's alot of pretty boys wrapped around on the block. so, don't be wasting my time with your crazy talk. cause if you wanna get a piece of this heart of mine. boy stop, get in line. girls, you know the way boys are. like a kind of tuned guitar whenever we shut them down. What you got boy is hard to find. I think about it all the time .I'm all strung out, my heart is fried I just can't get you off my mind. My friends think I've gone crazy. My judgments getting kinda hazy. My esteem is gonna be affected. If I keep it up like a lovesick crackhead. Never thought that you would be the one who've been acting like a slut when I was gone. I can find someone way hotter with a! hahaha. Cause I'm done with the ways thats you've messed up . You weren't smart enough to keep your stupid mouth shut. I'm so sick of it. I've had enough. I hope you cry. |
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
muke sememeks kan.Blurrr.I'm left here with myself...
Cody Simpson ♥ Do you have any idea what you've done?you took the... watch this video. kekek smcm! hahahahahah! (:bythe... When you love somebody, just go and tell the perso... Leypakkksaann !bajuuu skola lah seyh! (:yowyow!hah... weywey !Tomorrow's my berstdaye ! haha. yeaaaa. hm... weyyow !haha. OMG. just now at sch, Syabilla and N... WOW. cool pic huh? (: yeaah. tht's me, yow. yeah.1... ANOTHER 13 MORE DAYS TO MY BERSTDAYYY !!!! (:HAHAH... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
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