IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
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If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
8276769762096907116 date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 time: 2/03/2010 08:47:00 PM comments: 0
Saw that cutecutecute Eleanor the Chipette? hehehehe. jyeaaaah. she's my favourite! KIYUTT kan? hahaha. memang laaa. just like me. hahaha. wah cheyh. mcm faham jek eyh. :P
i'm telling you guys eh, juniors "tersayang" kte sume "baek2" nak mam. haha. you guys should know what i'm tryinna talk abt here. juniors kte perangai sume mcm sial. tau tak? SIAL. satu mama keling nak step mina, satu gemok nak step mina, and diorang sume nak step geyrek. step geyrek dengan siape? Teachers. like, Mr Ivan Sim, Mr Kadir, Mr Gabriel Sim and others too. they're only trying to get the teachers attention. Hidung diorang sume tinggi nak mampos seyh. exactly. SOMBONG. haha. i'm talking about OUR juniors, the 1I students. but, i'm not reffering to the malay guys, chinese guys and girls. i'm reffering to the Indian and Malay bitchaaas. tengok muke diorg je dah jijik. ape lagi bile FLINT nanti? boley mampos. kankankan? haha. dah keling, buat hal orang keling laa sia. dah gemok, buat hal orang gemok laa. and please uh eyh. tak payah nak step geyrek depan kte sbb kte klau step geyrek, lagi muchmuchmuch more better than all of you bitchaaas of 1I. skirt korang pon mcm tak cukop kaen ehk. takpetakpe. this term, you guys might not get caught. but the next term, klau Mdm Hafsah dah tangkap korang dgn "miniskirt" korang, kte satu group ketawe rabak2 and tepok tangan sekuat-kuatnye! hahahahaha. you know what we did when those girls walked in front of us? we shouted, " eh eh. STEP GEYREK! STEP GEYREK! ". hahahahahahahahahaha. LOLLOL. then aku plak tambah," skirt diorang mcm tak cukop kaen sak. nak tunjok puki diorang agaknye! ". hahahaha. exactly2. we're enjoying ourselves like hell doing like that. hahahahahaha. whatthajoke. Nana told me that my idea of doing those ketawe rabak2 and tepok tangan is a great idea and she said she agrees with my idea and will be doing it ! hahahahahah! yesyesyes. join lagi, join lagi! THE MORE, THE MERRIER (: current song playing ; Fuck You - Lily Allen. |
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
Nunu and Bubbaaa !You May Be - Aladin ( Bollywood ...
Kristinia DeBarge - Cried Me A River .CODY SIMPSON... muke sememeks kan.Blurrr.I'm left here with myself... Cody Simpson ♥ Do you have any idea what you've done?you took the... watch this video. kekek smcm! hahahahahah! (:bythe... When you love somebody, just go and tell the perso... Leypakkksaann !bajuuu skola lah seyh! (:yowyow!hah... weywey !Tomorrow's my berstdaye ! haha. yeaaaa. hm... weyyow !haha. OMG. just now at sch, Syabilla and N... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
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