IsmaDina ♥
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If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
1103497183778967771 date: Monday, March 15, 2010 time: 3/15/2010 08:19:00 PM comments: 0 today ; went to school for D and T to finish up our dumbdumb Artefacts..but bodo-ly, still not done. went there at about 8.50 liddat. but i was supposed to reach there by 8.30. hahahaha. dumbo. bangun lambat peyh pasal and missed the mother F bus. damnnn. -.- then blablabla, dah boring nak mampos, me and Shan asked Mr Tay whether we could go and relieve(betol ke tak ah spelling aku? hehehe) ourselves. he allowed and we blah. we chitchatted and walked around, searching for a damn vending machine which sells Milo in it. but idiotic-ly, not even a single vending machine sells anything(the Air Kotak one urh eyh.) then had no choice to buy the canned drinks from the vending machine which sells canned drinks la kan. hahaha. actually, ape yang aku bebual nie sume tak perlu sia kat sini. wasting time jek. :P after that, went back to the workshop. on the way there, terserempak with Amirul . (: hahaha. just smiled only. hahaha. classmate jek laa dok. tht's what i loike to do. SMILEEE. kankankan? hehehehe. ok dah. then kt workshop tuh, Ken terbegik! tercekik! hahaha. terPekik lupa2nya..hahaha.biasa laa. kene kacau ngan either Chin How ataupun Iskandar. die sort cket tau. orang kalau kacau die, die ckp, "I'll Kill You". hahahahaha. sampai skrg tak kill2 pon. hahahaha. dumbdumb. GundooSameee (: After the D and T, me and Shan went to the BubbleTea peyh kedai. over there, terserempak with the malay boys, Jie Yu and Ethyl. hahahaha. then suddenly they blah. dunno they go where. hahahahahahaha. then me and Shan happily chitchat abt this one particular BIG BASTARD, F____. you know who don't ya. da brape ribu kali aku asyik post psl die. hmms. yeah. she told me, " i understand how you feel. Only a girl, can understand another girl's heart/feelings..because we're girls! boys wont able to understand us, our feelings and our heart." Shanto understands me alot. she also cares about me alot. Not only her, Hannah too. they're my Girlfriends baybeh. hahaha. Thanks Shan, for understanding me (: Love yaaa too much! . okieee. then, while talking, tersrempak with Hannah! with her parents. (: hahaha. hugged her like HELL! cuz i missed her like, SO DAMMMNN FREAKING MUCH! ((: hahaha. she's going somewhere, that's why she dropped by to buy some drinks. we chitchatted until the other Babes(the malay girls, a.k.a Bloodsisters) came. hahaha. then aft that, Hannah needa go and so do me and Shan. we salam2 the Babes and the last but no least, Hannah and her Mom. again, hugged her like HELL cuz i'm gonna miss her again! booohoohoo. IMY, Hannah. ): text me tau Hannah. hahaha. last Thursday ; ade hal cket. Me and Hannah tenga dudok kt blakang some of the Sec 3H guys(you know who they are.) and beside them ade a group of _____(guess.). know what they did? they looked at us, suddenly they bisik2 then the one whole group laughed like HELL at us. whattheMother F is happening? i also don't know. i'm not trying to make you guys angry over here alright. you guys are the ones who made us angry. Hannah : asal sia tengok2? ade hal pe diorg? Me : entah ah. diorang tengok kte, bisik2 abe pastu ketawe mcm nak rak. Hannah : hahaha. they all know what. kte nie kan lawaaaaa sangat. i mean like, so the mother fucking punye lawa, that's why they kept looking at us. rightright? :D Me : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ! ohmyGod Hannah. WAKAKAKAKA! hahah. a'ah sia..(: Hannah : eyh. betol perh. hahahaha. (: Me : hahaha. okayokay. stopstop(laughing and crying like HELL). ;D seriously, Hannah made me laughed like HELL. then we moved, and sit down with the 3H guys, the group of _____ stared at us one kind peyh sia. they looked at us and bisik2 lagi, then they look again. aku dah tak happy, depan bdak 3H tu jgak aku mcm dah, " eyh. seriously uh Hannah. Chao je boley tak? aku dah tak larat nak duduok sini lagi sia. jom uh, cepat uh. aku nak CHAO! ". Hannah was like, " okayokay. sabar ah. kjap je la. eh, kte pegi skrg?(talking to the Guys.)". straight away i get up. i was the first one to get up. then along the way walking to the gate, i shouted, " alamak. tak happy uh. mcm nak _____ jek diorg sia! ". Nashrul was like, "eyh, kau okay tak? knape niee?". Hannah explained then he was like, " oh..kaykay". seriously sia..mak ai. hahahah. gendol. :P |
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July 2010
Happy 78th Birthday, Nanaaaa !the greatest grandfa...
Do you love me?Or do you not?you told me once, but... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SHANTO !sorry for the late ... Inside the bus; first day to ITE MacPherson.2 d... A CUTE BOLLYWOOD SONG ; Prem Ki Naiya from Ajab Pr... ♥ 140210 ♥ WATCH AND READ THE SU... this picture quote really made me cry.CheeKentot ;... hahahahah. mostly abt LOVE. i don't know why..but... JUNIORS, JUNIORS . Nunu and Bubbaaa !You May Be - Aladin ( Bollywood ... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
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