IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
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If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
4131666113603825132 date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010 time: 3/02/2010 06:20:00 PM comments: 0 2 days trip(Thurs & Fri) to ITE MacPherson ; the trip was okayokay lah heh. haha. okay. step over cket eyh. the trip to that ITE College Central, ITE MacPherson was......STUPENDOUS-FANTABULOUS-FANTASTIC(: hahahahah. crazy already. hmm. the first day was very tiring cuz we did some activities there and walk around the whole college, i mean, tour around the college. Our 2 lecturers, Mr Mano/Manor and Mr Shah. Mr Shah's the one who guided us around the college(tour around the college), and Mr Mano briefed us when the first thing we got there. Mr Mano is a so damn freaking funny man. at the same time he briefed us, he joked too. Most of us laughed like hell when he joked..especially Hannah, Xin Jing, Jie Yu(if i'm not wrong), and me. hahahaha. we all laughed rabaks2. the blablabla, got break(breakfast la kirekan). hahahah. okayh. the tour was quite boring. hahah. seriously, cuz that day was so damn freaking hot! tak buley angks punye HOT. very the warm. walk for a few minutes only, everybody start to perspire like hell. Then, aft all that, got lunch break. the second time we got break, the cafeteria was full. full of ITE ppl. but luckily there's enough tables and seats for our class. heheheh. while eating/drinking, there's this group of guys, all looked like Mats kene Reps(Matreps), stared at me. i dont know why the hell are they looking at me from the moment i stepped into that Cafeteria...especially this one particular guy. he's a Malay guy, but he's dark. looks, not bad..but mostly looked like a Mat. he looked like Prince Gupta! wehehehe. okayh. know what he did when i stared at him back? he smiled and waved at me. straight away i looked at Lutfiah who's sitting beside me and looked back at him and look at him strangely, as if he's waving at nobody. HAHAHAHAH! sial eyh me? hahah. tau takperh. tak baek eyh. then talked to Shan. while talking o Shan, i got a strong feeling that that guy and his gang are still looking. i turned and look at him. this time, he look very sad and didn't wave at me. then i turned back to Shan. Inside my heart, i was like, " ahahahahahahaha! kesiaaaaan dieee..". cheeeeebaaaii eh. yeah. then after that, blablabla lagi, then after that it's time to change our clothes to our PE attire cuz we're gonna play Floorball. but i didn't play, cuz i'm sick. hahaha. alasan aye. but it's true. i told Miss Alia and she excused me from playing. baek perh. hehehe. while waiting for the girls to change their clothes, i waited outside the toilet with Miss Alia. then i walk around that area then suddenly somebody called me by making those irritating kissing-like sound. i turned around and look, it's the same guy who waved at me. i look at him and he waved at me. his other 2 friends just smiled at me. rase kesian plak eyh klau tak wave balek kat die. i just smiled and waved back at him. then i turned back. suddenly the same irritating sound, sounded again. i turned around, again. he looked at me, and was talking using sign language to me. he showed me the telephone/calling sign to me. he asked for my number. i looked at him like, " what?!". he smiled at me and showed me the same sign. i shook my head as if like saying "no" to him. then he showed me the "PLEEEAAASEEE??" sign. i smiled and shook my head again. then he was like, "haiz. nevermind lah. :D ". sempat die senyum kt aku lagi. hahahah. i just smiled back at him. then i waved at him, more like saying "goodbye". he smiled at me and waved at me. when i'm about to turn around, he called me again by that same sound. pusing balek, and know what he did? he Fly-kissed me. i was like," whatthajoke?!". i didn't do the same thing back okay. i just smiled at him and waved. he just waved back. wakakakakakakaka. haizz. inilah orang2 zaman sekarang. hahahaha. oh yeah. about the Floorball. everyone played with full of energy sia. while playing, i saw Rashidah tercampak kt sini, Nunu tercampak kt sana, Nana pon same. hahaha. but they played superbly. (: then the 2nd day, the first thing we do when we got there is BREAKFAST. hiakhiakhiakhiak. i shared the Chicken Porridge with Hannah cuz that's what we love to do. the porridge is so damn freaking hot. hahaha. hmm. exactly beside me and Hannah, there's this group of BUTO-IANS Mats kene Reps. they stared at us and continued eating. hahah. buto. nehmind. sombong laa sial. but after we finished our breakfast, that same group of BUTO-IANS was like, " eh. sombong ah seyh..", to Farysha and the others. Farysha and others was like LOL-ing with them. me and Hannah was like, " whatthehell. mother F sia.". diorang yang sombong siak. kejar pompan lawa, tapi muke nak step mats tak menjadsz. BUTO-IANS, as usual. then blablabla whatever shits, we were divided into 2 groups. the even and odd numbers groups. ThankGod i was in the same group with Hannah. heheheheh. then blablabla whatever shits, me and Hannah kasi alasan want to go to the washroom. we were given the permission and then Hannah straight away grabbed my hand and hold my hand(pimpin tangan lah eyh.). then there's this 2 MOTHER Fs extra. know what they said? " eh. korang LESBIAN perh?". they made my blood go upstairs sia. i looked at them angrily, then they quickly cabot. babi buto. tak tau paperh diam jer luh bodo. sial right? anyhow called us Lesbian. kimaakk die la. then blablabla whatever shit, we got to do a feedback survey about this ITE trip thingy. i just put anyhow and then at the back of the page they were asking what course do we want to take when/if we go to Nitec. i can't remember what i put but if i were to get in to Higher Nitec, i really want to go into the Early Childhood Education course! it's a very simple course. to teach the Nursery/Kindergarten kids...and i love small kids! seriously. :D that's why i want to into that course! hehehehe. then, BYEBYE, ITE MACPHERSON. That Mother F ; asal aku masih terfikirkan si CheeKentot tu?! Hannah, you should know who i'm referring to. even though i'm attached, idk why i still think of you, bastard. idk what's so good about you that my freaking head kept thinking about you but i know you didn't think of me, even for a few seconds. wth. bastard. Why would I fall in love with this person when he’s not meant for me after all? Why would I cry and long for someone who can never be mine? |
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A CUTE BOLLYWOOD SONG ; Prem Ki Naiya from Ajab Pr...
♥ 140210 ♥ WATCH AND READ THE SU... this picture quote really made me cry.CheeKentot ;... hahahahah. mostly abt LOVE. i don't know why..but... JUNIORS, JUNIORS . Nunu and Bubbaaa !You May Be - Aladin ( Bollywood ... Kristinia DeBarge - Cried Me A River .CODY SIMPSON... muke sememeks kan.Blurrr.I'm left here with myself... Cody Simpson ♥ Do you have any idea what you've done?you took the... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
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