IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
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If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
ZOO trip :)
4788836862733232019 date: Thursday, March 19, 2009 time: 3/19/2009 05:10:00 PM comments: 0 Yesterday , went to the SINGAPORE ZOO wit my family and my cuzzies . The trip was so FUN dat we all became soooo the very TIRED . Haiz ......... like want to FAINT like dat . I took some pictures of my favourite ANIMALS .. and OBVIOUSLY , they are SUPER CUTE especially the PENGUINS and GROUND SQUIRRELS( or we say CHIPMUNKS ! ) . The ORANG UTANS were swinging ABOVE our HEADS and LUCKILY , they didn't THROW BOMBS or SPRAY WATER from the TREES !!! XD ........ SEE THE CUTE PICS ABOVE .
6319261070107891343 date: Sunday, March 15, 2009 time: 3/15/2009 10:19:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() The usual things i will do is wake up , bathe , and do the chores that has been told . As usual too , my mum won't stop her blabberings and always need to do whatever she says even when i'm busy with loads of homeworks . When i feel irritated , i just switched on my handphone and turn the music out loud in my headset , so that i could ignore the blabberings . To make myself very clear , i hate people who are very irritating and can't even SHUT UP for a few minutes . Like a few of my classmates .. like Ivan , Chin How and etc . I think they just don't know how to keep quiet , sit still and pay attention to instructions . And seriously , i just simply hate people who ignores me and think that i'm a dummy who is just sitting/standing and watch them talking to other people when i'm talking to them . They are Lutfiah and a few bitches from other classes . So , be reminded of this .
656154139540495673 date: time: 3/15/2009 03:40:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Know this lady ? Of course ! She's known worldwide ! She is my first and favourite singer in the World ! She sang many songs and one of my most favourite song is ' Vulnerable ', which is a word in my URL . She is now famous coz of acting and singing . If i could , i would want to meet her in real life ! But , it's quite impossible coz of sch nowadays . I just wished i could meet her . What do you think will be her next movie ? Me ? I have no idea . Support me if you like her ! :DDDD
368184039751115898 date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 time: 3/10/2009 01:20:00 PM comments: 0 As usual , woke up at arnd 6.00-6.20 and get freshened up in more than 10 mins(girls are girls) . Went out at 8.05 and reached on time wit Lutfiah at 8.20 a.m. There,we continue to do the boring flag raising ceremony and then only me and Choon Leong need to do the science test as we did not come to sch the previous day . BLAH BLAH BLAH .. then finished the test in just 20 mins . Just my luck!!!! i scored 23 marks(which is not satisfying) .. XD Then , we go to the comp lab . just went in and the teacher told me to do the CPA test . OMG we say that !! Tak habis2 test ! When i do the test , everyone else can play anything at their comps ! NOT FAIR SIA !!!! >:( But whatever it is , it's in the past . HAHAX!!! I finished the CPA test in just 15 mins !!! Finished so early coz want to play comp laa .. of course ! XD Aft dat , went home .. so tired like almost wanna faint then took my lunch . Then,do the stupid homeworks and then go to sleep for a while . Then woke up again and then get freshened up . Went to do my prayers and then watched television . Then rite now ,... BYE BYE ! :] |
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
Darin Zanyarumm, hello ?nothing much to post uh de... BabyKu! [xCANDEED Vanessa Hudgens[xNow, only got t... WEYYYY! i dun really have the mood to post alot..c... A DAMN FUNNY INDIAN VIDEO TRANSLATED TO MALAY! xDW... All these precious moments,With you by my side.Mus... SHITface.wowwowwowwow. da lame tak update bloggy a... My handsome nak mam pey baby Boy (;ini tak kiyut. ... today ;went to school for D and T to finish up our... Happy 78th Birthday, Nanaaaa !the greatest grandfa... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
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