If I lived a thousand years,
You know, I never could explain.
The way I lost my heart to you,
that day.
But if destiny decided,
I should look the other way.
Then the world would never know,
The greatest story ever told.
date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010
time: 3/23/2010 08:53:00 PM
comments: 0
  My handsome nak mam pey baby Boy (; ini tak kiyut. ade sebab nye ye ? (; My pretty2 baby Girl (;My Babies ;
saw those babes up there? jyeahh, they're mine. all cute2 nak mam eyh? sbb bapaknye cute..and so am i! hahahahahaha. whatthajoke. :D yang the second baby tak cute sgt, sbb i hate the guy yg gamba aku blurr kan tu. The Mother F*cker. hahaha. anak perempuan aku ikut hairstyle aku siaaa. wehehehehe. tu psl die cute! hahaha. right. (: tomorrow ;
will be going to Orchard, for an excursion or rather we call it a Sculpture Walk. it is compulsory but idk why my dad ade prob with this. but no matter what, aku akan pegy alright? i dont give a DAAAMMNN ohkeyh. hahahah. dodol. [; dinaaaaa's oooouutt ~