IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
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If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
7125285277482052619 date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 time: 4/21/2010 06:37:00 PM comments: 0
Today ; Public speaking! WHOA. menggeletar mcm nak ape seyh. pakai mic lagi. whatthehell. everthing tht i've planned for today's public speaking, sume tak jadi. everything flops. i planned tht i will; Speak with a fantastic tone(something like being over), MAKE EYE CONTACTS(didnt look at anyone at all), and not to be scared(i am scared). WHATTHEHELL went wrong?? i dont know how, i dont know why. everything flops. ARGHH! i hate myself. bullshit. okay. let's just move on. After school, went to bubbletea with Hannah. reached there, we went to sit down with Irfan, Ajiz and Hafiz. hmm, they asked what telah happened with *ehem* and *ehem*. you guys should know who...i dont wanna say their names here cuz i'm scared they'll be mad at me. blahblahblah, then got one group of TAKPERLUs came. F_____ peyh group. you guys wont know who they are but i've known him since K1. dah bnyk berubah dah die. nak step mat ah kan like obviously. teros, Irfan and the others sume dah nak balek, we just salam them and went to the other side. i was like, " eyh Hannah, asl kau dudok sni? aku taknak lah!". she only stick out heer tongue to me. terpakse dudok jek lah. dah laa kt stu ade si F_____ and Co. and also Ivan and his geng. Ivan and his geng nak balek, they kacau us for a while usual and the F*cker pey group stare semcm. teros idontknow diorang peyh siape dtg kt group diorg, Hannah muke lagi takot. Then Bernard and Mei Qi saved her life by accompany-ing us. we joked like hell and step over uh kan. he(si F____ pey leader, i think) stare semcm and asyik perhatikan Hannah since the moment he reached the bubbletea shop. Hannah dah rase tak sedap hati, she said she wanna go. We then jalan uh. when we're only like 20 steps away from the shop, terdengarlah tht irritating kissing0like sound, from them. " ah, kankankan..", i told Hannah. "ish..sial laa..", Hannah dah takot. Know what? they followed us, everywhere we go. i told Hannah tht they're right behind us, she turned and said, " INALLILLAH HI WA INNAILAI HI ROJI'UNN!!!!". hahahahah! i laughed my head off sia. mcm org meninggal siak kene. kte dah cross, they jay-walked and stalked us. WHATTHEHELL kan? dah sampai kt void deck kt depan skola, diorg tunggu bas lah kan. then, kwn pompan diorg dtg kt kte. she said, he(si F___ pey leader, should be) asked for Hannah's number. Hannah told the girl to tell him, " NO. I'm single and unavailable. thanks." the girl was like," oh, okay.." and she walked off. I saw the girl telling the guy, and the guy was like..STOMPING HIS FEET ANGRILY and his face was so SAD, DISAPPOINTED, and ANGRY. mcm kesian eh. hahahaha. Hannah pon mcm kesian she told me but she said, she wont give her number to someone she dont know. Good point..but i know them. (: |
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
All these precious moments,With you by my side.Mus...
SHITface.wowwowwowwow. da lame tak update bloggy a... My handsome nak mam pey baby Boy (;ini tak kiyut. ... today ;went to school for D and T to finish up our... Happy 78th Birthday, Nanaaaa !the greatest grandfa... Do you love me?Or do you not?you told me once, but... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SHANTO !sorry for the late ... Inside the bus; first day to ITE MacPherson.2 d... A CUTE BOLLYWOOD SONG ; Prem Ki Naiya from Ajab Pr... ♥ 140210 ♥ WATCH AND READ THE SU... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
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