IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
![]() Visitors ♥
If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
3308819481277181317 date: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 time: 11/25/2009 08:48:00 PM comments: 0 On Sunday ; celebrated mommy & daddy's Anni . (: haha . best jgak . cuz ade crite Narnia , Twilight . . hah ! then bile nk ambik gamba , camera something wrong. pastu, me and Efa tunggu pt luar jap and i took a pic of myself. butbut. sebelom tu, kt luar, Efa told me : efa: " eh . mke kau mcm mke Sonam ! " me: " eh ???? yekew ?? Sonam Kapoor ?! :D " efa: " a'ah . bile kau buat rambot kau mcm gytu. " me: " biar btol muks ! :DDDDDDDDD " efa: " iye lah ! " hahaha . tk prasan plak ! :D heeeheeeeheee . today ; nothing much happened . as usual . just doing the same thing at home , practicing dancing lagu " Aai Papi".. like Vishal !!! :D funfunfun ! then at 8, tengok Singapore Idol. then at 10 nnt, the results show. OMGOMGOMG . FARHAN SHAH ade !!!! :DDDDD YESS ! :D at last nampak jgak FS ! :D oh yeah. aku da lost hope nan si "ehem" nie. daaa... ingat die ske aku jgak, padahal tak. WTF . da la eyh . gy mam sua . gy kt kau peyy gal tu kayy ? tk perlukan kau lagi !!! :P whatever yg kau text aku, aku bagi kau one-word-one-word pnye . ok ? da. gi mampos . ~ adi0s amig0s ~
5330729547308344032 date: Monday, November 23, 2009 time: 11/23/2009 07:05:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() Mmmm whatcha say
cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out
Weyheyhey ! didnt use FRIENDSTER for quite a looonngg time eyh . .yeah . cuz it’s sooo boowiinngg . hmmmm .. who’s birthday is coming up ? oh yeah . Cavell , on the 28th . HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAW, OUR DEAREST class chairperson ! CAVELL ! :D sorraye yaw Cavell . maybe i can’t celebrate your birthday with the others if we’re having your birthday party . ): And yeah ! my daddy ! YEAH . we’ll be celebrating it at Melaka .. on the 29th later on . skrg , we’re just getting ready our luggages . ^^ heeehheee . (: Wow . Cavell and my daddy’s birthday is only a day different ! it’s like , WHOA . . WHOA . Ahahahahahaha ! xD So , my bloggy . . wont be used for 3-4 days from 29th Nov– 1st Dec , I think ? yeah . . I guess so . we’re gonna have a great time there . . at Melaka . . with Abiya’s family .. especially with Yaseer , my closest and beloved cousin . (: Till here for now . :D ~ adi0s amig0s ~
6167233172373998425 date: Saturday, November 21, 2009 time: 11/21/2009 02:57:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() ELLOOW ! :D on the 13th : celebrated AMAR's birthday . (: me and efa reached there first, then we play, took some pictures and chitchatted with Yaseer && Amar, the bday boyy(: we reached there around.. 6 plus . then Izzah and the others reached there around .. 7 plus. HAHA . then Sulami masak mcm2 makanan ! wew ! sume sodapp2 . especially, the Bee Hoon Goreng and Potato Wedges . ^^ aft tht , we took some photos with Amar , his birthday cake and all of us .. (: thheenn , we played some games ! Musical Chairs & Passing the Parcel . haha . kekek sia game diek . For musical chairs, i was the 4th one to be out !! apadahh . mapekk tol . then , we ate the yummy2 chocolate cayke ! ^^ it's toooo damn delicious . (: then , bla bla blaaa ... i cannot remember . heeehee . what i know is tht aft tht , me and Efa went home first , again . haha . we took bus laa tht's why . izzah tk habes2 naek taxi . :P on the bus , actually.. when we were waiting for the bus, ade 1 lelaki nie, he looked like a Mat..keeps staring at me . menyampah seyh . sowangg2 plak tu die . aku tenga msg Rara, die gy sengajer tengok2 handphone aku . pastu, die nmpk gamba wallpaper aku, die stare kt aku laen mcm . makk aii . aku pon pusing jer . then 28 dtg, die yg bangon dlu . AHH ! he took the same bus with us ! only 3 ppl took the bus . Me , Efa and tht guy . wth . the bus driver plak satu bodo . aku tenga 'tap' card aku, die tros gy jlnkan bus tu , then lagi cket aku terlanggar lelaki tuw ! argh ! kuntai makk aii . naseb baek die dudowk kt atas . then when die nk turon( he dropped at the bus stop opp Holy Trinity there) , he looked at me , again and made eye contact . powwkeyy . looks ? okay2 laa..not bad . but he's like irritating, keeps looking at me . when he got down off the bus, i was listening to the Bapok AMK recording..then aku terkekek sndri , from outside he was looking at me all the way while he was walking .OMG . he thought i was smiling at him then he smiled at me back. senyom lebar plak tuwh . issh2 . teraser sgt taw tu org . hahahahahah . (: reached home, searched for my 1st num's SIM card .. i thought i dropped it somewhere ! Ohmygoodness . then carik btol2, die terselit inside my purse, in between my dollar notes . haiyoh . hahahaha . :D WEEEEEEE ! another 8 more days we're going to MELAKA . hooraye !!! (: heeehee . tk sabar dok ! :D haha . kaykay . till here only . Adi0s(: ~
8422134086887279708 date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 time: 11/11/2009 05:05:00 PM comments: 0
yesterday ;
watched the movie Kuntilanak Kamar Mayat . seram giler babz. terkejot - kejotkan org jer crite nih . :P watched it till 12 + . today ; heard BoA ft Vanessa Hudgens newest 2009 song , Touched. POWERRR AHH THE SONGG ! like hindi pnyer song liddat . :) i've post the lyrics below . :D And then , someone called my number. i thought it was my friend..but then ARGGHH ! i said " hello? " he said " hello? ' i said " saper nie? " he said " knal tk nie sape ?" i said "kenal. ___ ? " he said " no lah . nie KID ." i said " Kid ???? " then i pass the phone to IZZAH KUNTAI !!!!!! It's her stupid friend , Danial !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Matrep bodo gy call hp aku . call hp IZZAH tkley ker ?!?!?!?! IZZAH ngan DANIAL same2 bodo ! ISH ! memalukan dri sendri jekk ! ARGGGHHHHHH !!! SIAL . POWKEY !!!!! BYE !!!!
5027704431859067195 date: time: 11/11/2009 04:23:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() Saw you standing in the dark and I like your energy I'm feeling you way from afar, boy you're distracting me My heart is racing, body's aching, and I'm shaking all because of you (It's something about you) Now I'm thinking 'bout who you with 'Cause you got me curious If you don't come closer imma have a fit Tell me boy what you thinking too Gotta know if you feel the same way I do (Spoken) Talk to me I can be your lady, you can be my baby So don't keep me waiting I wanna be touched, wanna be touched (2x) 'Cause I've got this problem, only you can solve it But you gotta come to me I wanna be touched, wanna be touched (2x) I wanna be touched, wanna be touched, touched (2x) Ya gotta get to know me first and we can take it further And I can't help but flirt, 'cause I'd be crazy if I let you leave without your number Boy don't make me wait too long for you (I just wanna get to know you) Now I'm thinking 'bout who you with 'Cause you got me curious If you don't come closer imma have a fit Tell me boy what you thinking too Gotta know if you feel the same way I do (Spoken) Talk to me I can be your lady, you can be my baby So don't keep me waiting I wanna be touched, wanna be touched (2x) 'Cause I've got this problem, only you can solve it But you gotta come to me I wanna be touched, wanna be touched (2x) I never believed in love at first sight But you made me wanna give it a try You won't regret it, boy if you let me in (reverb) I can be your lady, you can be my baby So don't keep me waiting I wanna be touched, wanna be touched (2x) 'Cause I've got this problem, only you can solve it But you gotta come to me I wanna be touched, wanna be touched (2x)
3016811840250073696 date: Monday, November 9, 2009 time: 11/09/2009 09:07:00 PM comments: 0 kays. On Sat, Yaseer told me to edit one of his picture for him to put at his i just upload it in here first aye. cuz tk cukop mase nk msok fb. Yaseer, Yaseer..suro ambek gamba same2 tknk. HISH ! degil tol..tapi he's still my favorite(: Then yesterday, Sunday, watched the indon horror movie?? Kereta Setan Manggarai. not quite scary..but funny tu ada la. haha! crite die kekek ah ! xD Then aft watching the movie, Fikhry called me. hahaha. don't worry..he's my new friend..just a friend laa eyh. NOT more than tht kay ? hahah . (: we talked like from 12+..till 1+ . then aft tht tydow . :D kaykaykaykay . sampai sni jer .. (: Adi0s Amig0s(: ~
1277424203064863359 date: Friday, November 6, 2009 time: 11/06/2009 08:47:00 PM comments: 0 heyhey people ! changed my blog skin . pictures of me + my idol , VANESSA ANNE HUDGENS ! (: Nice right .. ? heehee(: kayhkayh . whatever . there's nothing much to post about. Hahs. i just can't wait to go to Melaka with my beloved family and cousins . they're the BEST ! yeap . heehee(: ILOVETHEMSOOMUCH . ((: class party ? i'm soo sorry guys. i cannot celebrate with you all..and Mr Sim ! OhmyGod . i'm gonna miss euu guys man . IMYGSM laa sia ! especially, my Bloodsisters . ;( Aku Winduuww Korangg Sgt2 tau !!! ;( Kaylarh . till here onlyy (: Adi0s Amig0s ~
7105756515989006172 date: Tuesday, November 3, 2009 time: 11/03/2009 06:31:00 PM comments: 0 YIPPEE ! no more going to school..holidays are on ! just enjoying the holidays with my family. and friends? hmm..not sure about tht. Kay. on the 6th of Nov, there will be a class party at Mr Sim's place, but i'm not sure whether i'm able to go or not. BUT i really wanna go ! shoooottt. must ask for my parent's permission usual . Pfft. Kaykay . then, on the 29th of Nov, will be going to MELAKA ! to celebrate my father's 40th (?) birthday . hmm..the place not so exciting, but i'm quite excited cuz we're going with my cousin tersyg skali, YASEER ! yessss ! aft soo long ..HAHA! ohya..and also Amar, the cute one. :) yeapp. till here. Adi0s ~ |
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
Darin Zanyarumm, hello ?nothing much to post uh de... BabyKu! [xCANDEED Vanessa Hudgens[xNow, only got t... WEYYYY! i dun really have the mood to post alot..c... A DAMN FUNNY INDIAN VIDEO TRANSLATED TO MALAY! xDW... All these precious moments,With you by my side.Mus... SHITface.wowwowwowwow. da lame tak update bloggy a... My handsome nak mam pey baby Boy (;ini tak kiyut. ... today ;went to school for D and T to finish up our... Happy 78th Birthday, Nanaaaa !the greatest grandfa... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
CLASS BLOGGY♥ BlogShop.♥ Izzah♥ Iffah♥ bbyeerah♥ Rashidah♥ Aisyah♥ ShidaDeanda♥ NanaStarkiddo♥ Ilah Aryadne♥ Shantoshini(Aamiran)♥ Ethyl♥ Shiqyn♥ Rara 'aiai♥ AyieSachok♥ Don♥ Ozie♥ |
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