IsmaDina ♥
![]() MusiCaaa ♥
![]() Visitors ♥
If I lived a thousand years, You know, I never could explain. The way I lost my heart to you, that day. But if destiny decided, I should look the other way. Then the world would never know, The greatest story ever told. |
8534549034899017355 date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 time: 3/23/2010 08:53:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() My Babies ; saw those babes up there? jyeahh, they're mine. all cute2 nak mam eyh? sbb bapaknye cute..and so am i! hahahahahaha. whatthajoke. :D yang the second baby tak cute sgt, sbb i hate the guy yg gamba aku blurr kan tu. The Mother F*cker. hahaha. anak perempuan aku ikut hairstyle aku siaaa. wehehehehe. tu psl die cute! hahaha. right. (: tomorrow ; will be going to Orchard, for an excursion or rather we call it a Sculpture Walk. it is compulsory but idk why my dad ade prob with this. but no matter what, aku akan pegy alright? i dont give a DAAAMMNN ohkeyh. hahahah. dodol. [; dinaaaaa's oooouutt ~
1103497183778967771 date: Monday, March 15, 2010 time: 3/15/2010 08:19:00 PM comments: 0 today ; went to school for D and T to finish up our dumbdumb Artefacts..but bodo-ly, still not done. went there at about 8.50 liddat. but i was supposed to reach there by 8.30. hahahaha. dumbo. bangun lambat peyh pasal and missed the mother F bus. damnnn. -.- then blablabla, dah boring nak mampos, me and Shan asked Mr Tay whether we could go and relieve(betol ke tak ah spelling aku? hehehe) ourselves. he allowed and we blah. we chitchatted and walked around, searching for a damn vending machine which sells Milo in it. but idiotic-ly, not even a single vending machine sells anything(the Air Kotak one urh eyh.) then had no choice to buy the canned drinks from the vending machine which sells canned drinks la kan. hahaha. actually, ape yang aku bebual nie sume tak perlu sia kat sini. wasting time jek. :P after that, went back to the workshop. on the way there, terserempak with Amirul . (: hahaha. just smiled only. hahaha. classmate jek laa dok. tht's what i loike to do. SMILEEE. kankankan? hehehehe. ok dah. then kt workshop tuh, Ken terbegik! tercekik! hahaha. terPekik lupa2nya..hahaha.biasa laa. kene kacau ngan either Chin How ataupun Iskandar. die sort cket tau. orang kalau kacau die, die ckp, "I'll Kill You". hahahahaha. sampai skrg tak kill2 pon. hahahaha. dumbdumb. GundooSameee (: After the D and T, me and Shan went to the BubbleTea peyh kedai. over there, terserempak with the malay boys, Jie Yu and Ethyl. hahahaha. then suddenly they blah. dunno they go where. hahahahahahaha. then me and Shan happily chitchat abt this one particular BIG BASTARD, F____. you know who don't ya. da brape ribu kali aku asyik post psl die. hmms. yeah. she told me, " i understand how you feel. Only a girl, can understand another girl's heart/feelings..because we're girls! boys wont able to understand us, our feelings and our heart." Shanto understands me alot. she also cares about me alot. Not only her, Hannah too. they're my Girlfriends baybeh. hahaha. Thanks Shan, for understanding me (: Love yaaa too much! . okieee. then, while talking, tersrempak with Hannah! with her parents. (: hahaha. hugged her like HELL! cuz i missed her like, SO DAMMMNN FREAKING MUCH! ((: hahaha. she's going somewhere, that's why she dropped by to buy some drinks. we chitchatted until the other Babes(the malay girls, a.k.a Bloodsisters) came. hahaha. then aft that, Hannah needa go and so do me and Shan. we salam2 the Babes and the last but no least, Hannah and her Mom. again, hugged her like HELL cuz i'm gonna miss her again! booohoohoo. IMY, Hannah. ): text me tau Hannah. hahaha. last Thursday ; ade hal cket. Me and Hannah tenga dudok kt blakang some of the Sec 3H guys(you know who they are.) and beside them ade a group of _____(guess.). know what they did? they looked at us, suddenly they bisik2 then the one whole group laughed like HELL at us. whattheMother F is happening? i also don't know. i'm not trying to make you guys angry over here alright. you guys are the ones who made us angry. Hannah : asal sia tengok2? ade hal pe diorg? Me : entah ah. diorang tengok kte, bisik2 abe pastu ketawe mcm nak rak. Hannah : hahaha. they all know what. kte nie kan lawaaaaa sangat. i mean like, so the mother fucking punye lawa, that's why they kept looking at us. rightright? :D Me : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ! ohmyGod Hannah. WAKAKAKAKA! hahah. a'ah sia..(: Hannah : eyh. betol perh. hahahaha. (: Me : hahaha. okayokay. stopstop(laughing and crying like HELL). ;D seriously, Hannah made me laughed like HELL. then we moved, and sit down with the 3H guys, the group of _____ stared at us one kind peyh sia. they looked at us and bisik2 lagi, then they look again. aku dah tak happy, depan bdak 3H tu jgak aku mcm dah, " eyh. seriously uh Hannah. Chao je boley tak? aku dah tak larat nak duduok sini lagi sia. jom uh, cepat uh. aku nak CHAO! ". Hannah was like, " okayokay. sabar ah. kjap je la. eh, kte pegi skrg?(talking to the Guys.)". straight away i get up. i was the first one to get up. then along the way walking to the gate, i shouted, " alamak. tak happy uh. mcm nak _____ jek diorg sia! ". Nashrul was like, "eyh, kau okay tak? knape niee?". Hannah explained then he was like, " oh..kaykay". seriously sia..mak ai. hahahah. gendol. :P
4070884435404590903 date: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 time: 3/10/2010 07:21:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() Happy 78th Birthday, Nanaaaa ! the greatest grandfather of all [: GET WELL SOON and MAY GOD BLESS YOU ! [; changed my bloggy's URL! hahahahahahaha. Imperfect(a) eyh . hmm. school's getting from bad to worse. especially D & T. this school holidays(March Holidays), will be coming back for D & T to finish the Artefact. By the end of next week! whatthajoke. bley mam seyh. These past few days, feeling sooo damn weak. i don't know why. my whole body's aching like hell, feeling like vomitting..especially in school. sheeeesshh! Oh yea! just now in school, while listening to what Mr Imran was saying, one EGG flew by and hit our class window, in between where me and Jie Yu was sitting! Jie Yu kene mara tak psl2 sbb Mr Imran thought she was the one who threw it. Then, another one," BOOOSH!". in between where me and Widya was sitting. everyone was shocked. we look out of the class window and saw 2 bastards from the block opposite our school, happily throwing eggs into our school. we saw them. they looked like chinese or phillipines like tht. Mr Imran buat bodo sia. everyone was shocked and scared, die rilek2. then when Mr Lee came in, we told him abt the eggs incident, he looked very worried and shocked. he told us to tell Mr Sim if there's such problems. We then called up some cleaners to clean it up then the school office(maybe?) called up the police and reported abt tht egg incident. sampai jadi POLICE peyh case sial. hahahahah. bodo pey babi. mcm ade dendam kt skola kte siak. bodo. :p Hannah! sal takley klua jln2 ngan kteorg?? we asked u out, u said your parents don't allow cuz why? you're too young to hang out. whatthajoke. nevermind. lame2 cket lagi then boley uh eyh. hahahah. tht's quite long. [; wehehehehehehehehe.
6628262733670068169 date: time: 3/10/2010 11:25:00 AM comments: 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Do you love me? Or do you not? you told me once, but i forgot. So tell me now, and tell me true, so I can say that I love you. Of all the guys I've ever met, you're the one, I won't forget. And if I die before you do, I go to heaven and wait for you. From the moment I saw you i knew this was true So damn beautiful my eyes fixated on you. I wanted to hug you, hold you so tight, I wanted to tell you this feels so right. Now i have a voice, my feelings out loud, A smile on my face so happy and proud. A girl with a dream and a dream come true, A girl who has found the one, the one is you! When I first saw you I was afraid to meet you, When I first met you i was afraid to kiss you, When I first kissed you I was afraid to love you, and now that i love you i am afraid to loose you. Love is like a river, or maybe a deep blue sea. Love flows on forever, always and endlessly. Love is something special, something you can't touch or see. Love is amazing, this thing I feel for you and you for me. I'm not afraid of death, I'm not afraid of dying. I'm not afraid of heartbreak and I'm not afraid of crying. The only thing I fear of ever really comming true, is living this fearless life without you. You're the first thing i think of each morning when i rise. You're the last thing i think of each night when i close my eyes. You're in each thought, i have and every breath i take. My feelings are growing stronger with every move i make. I want to prove i love you, but thats the hardest part. If i tell you a secret, could it lead to a new start? I can’t breathe.. I want to but no air comes out. I want to speak but no words come out. Why do I feel... hurt? I feel betray. I feel like love had forgotten me. Like God only help those who have love. My heart hurts. My heart feels like a thousand needles went through my chest and now it’s bleeding slowly for me to die. Why? Why when I try to move my hands to touch the ground I can't touch the ground. Just to know it’s still there. Just to know I am still alive. Broken. I feel like a broken doll..shattered into pieces..pieces all over the floor, with no one there to put me back one will fix me. No one will love me. No one will help me breath not feel things that is real not to even to tell me that I’m alive. Now I know. My heart is broken.
But I can’t let you know that..nor can I let you go. At random parts of the day, I start shaking. From the tears…that you left me, people gave me hope, people gave me doubt. I feel like an idiot to let my heart entrust it in a guys hands. When I know…multiple guys that have Shattered, Ripped, and Torn open other women’s hearts. My uncles, my father..and yet I still entrusted you with that masterpiece, the one I created from scratch. I am pathetic. Obviously I do not deserve a guy like you. But I can't help to wonder what it would be like with you. I feel like an idiot..but i want to help you anyway. Blood is red, bruises are blue. My bones are broken, thanks to you. My heart is bleeding, my tears are black. And I can't believe, I want you back. Her words are meaningless just like her life.. it’s always been about the pain, it’s always been about the strife . She calls his name out from the dark. Her heart is dead, he left his mark. She screams out loud to soften the pain, Her tears they come, like falling rain. The notes she writes, he tears apart, He abandoned her there, and stole her heart. She feels so used, so broken, so bent, All the words he told her, he never meant. She lies awake and wonders why, She crosses her heart and hopes to die. You know you're heartbroken when... you have an actual pain in your chest when you think about the past and realize that its all'll never have another one of those moments with that person again. you would rather live in pain for the rest of your life than allow yourself to love someone else. hope becomes its own bodily reaction, reproduces to fill in cracks of your heart after every encounter you have with that person, and nothing happens. even just after talking to them for two minutes over nothing makes you want to cry because all you really want to be able to say is "i miss you" but you cant because it would make things worse. nobody can compare with that person, so you dont date. you'd consider changing around your schedule so you could "run into" that person when you just so happen to know they'll be on their way home. its not stalking. its creating opportunities. all those feelings you had when you first started to fall for them, the fluttering in your chest, the falling stomach feeling, the constant thinking of little things that are probably insignificant, it all comes back and is full fledged. the idea of finding out they love someone else is enough to make you want to hide away for the rest of you life just so you dont run the risk of seeing them together. you have to fight off the instinct to hold their hand or kiss them the way you used to....and it takes effort. you become weird and akward in their presence often...because you cant just be yourself, they already know you...and they'll be able to anticipate what youre going to say or do. if you wanted to say "i love you" they would see it coming....and would themselves become akward too. and would likely try to cut you off before you got the chance to say it. you feel numb inside after awhile of not seeing or talking to them. you mistake it for being over them. and then you run into them and immediately realize just how wrong you were. Do you love? Do you hate? Do you stop to appreciate? The feelings someone has for you? The things that keep you from being blue? Have you loved? Have you lost? Have you tried no matter what the cost? Do you love her/him? Does she/he love you? Will you ever find out if it is true? Have you loved while taking hate? Is it she who doesn't appreciate? Are you lost? Are you confused? Is it all leaving your heart bruised? Is it real? Is it faking? Is it my heart that's slowly breaking? Does it hurt? Does it kill? Does it make you never want to heal? A broken heart is a great deal. A broken heart may never heal. He loves me... He loves me not... He loves me... He loves me not... I loved you once... You loved me not... I loved you twice... But I forgot... 'I love you... But you'll never love me...' You never loved me... You never will... But even so... I love you still... Forget the times he walked by, Forget the times he made you cry, Forget the times he spoke your name, Remember your feelings arn't the same... 'You leave me here, with my broken heart to bleed.' Forget the times her held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can, Forget those times and don't pretend, Remember now he's just a friend... And you think: 'Will I ever get over him, or is my heart going too carry on breaking...?' It's weird... You know the end of something great is coming, But you just want to hold on, just so it can hurt a little more... Sometimes you just have to let go, to see if this is worth holding on too... I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had... But I can't cause I know you won't come after me, And I guess that hurts the most... I will always love you. You've always loved her, And now I can see, That the one in your heart, Was never me... All of those times you held me close, It was her you needed and loved the most... 'I love you... Even though I KNOW you love her...' Its hard for me to swallow my pride, Knowing that my love was the love you denied... 'I know you don't love me, so why am I even TRYING.' When I see you with her I force a grin, But really my heart is breaking within... My love for you is stronger than ever, But I know in my heart we will never be together... So I'm letting you go now, With tears in my eyes, I'm telling my last and final... Goodbye... 'Come what may, I will love you until my dieing day...' I'm going to smile like nothings wrong, Talk like everythings perfect, Act like its just a dream, And pretend its not hurting me... I would do anything for you... No one is worth the tears, And shouldn't make you cry... 'I cry each night, and you will never know why...' The only thing that ever made sense, To me was you... So sad, What do you reckon, I hope it doesn't happen to you.
1505909002596879643 date: Monday, March 8, 2010 time: 3/08/2010 09:16:00 PM comments: 0 ![]() HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SHANTO !
sorry for the late wish, but still i remembered your birthday..which was yesterday! hahahahahah. MAY YOUR DREAMS AND WISHES COME TRUE AND...MAY GOD BLESS YOU . (:
4131666113603825132 date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010 time: 3/02/2010 06:20:00 PM comments: 0 2 days trip(Thurs & Fri) to ITE MacPherson ; the trip was okayokay lah heh. haha. okay. step over cket eyh. the trip to that ITE College Central, ITE MacPherson was......STUPENDOUS-FANTABULOUS-FANTASTIC(: hahahahah. crazy already. hmm. the first day was very tiring cuz we did some activities there and walk around the whole college, i mean, tour around the college. Our 2 lecturers, Mr Mano/Manor and Mr Shah. Mr Shah's the one who guided us around the college(tour around the college), and Mr Mano briefed us when the first thing we got there. Mr Mano is a so damn freaking funny man. at the same time he briefed us, he joked too. Most of us laughed like hell when he joked..especially Hannah, Xin Jing, Jie Yu(if i'm not wrong), and me. hahahaha. we all laughed rabaks2. the blablabla, got break(breakfast la kirekan). hahahah. okayh. the tour was quite boring. hahah. seriously, cuz that day was so damn freaking hot! tak buley angks punye HOT. very the warm. walk for a few minutes only, everybody start to perspire like hell. Then, aft all that, got lunch break. the second time we got break, the cafeteria was full. full of ITE ppl. but luckily there's enough tables and seats for our class. heheheh. while eating/drinking, there's this group of guys, all looked like Mats kene Reps(Matreps), stared at me. i dont know why the hell are they looking at me from the moment i stepped into that Cafeteria...especially this one particular guy. he's a Malay guy, but he's dark. looks, not bad..but mostly looked like a Mat. he looked like Prince Gupta! wehehehe. okayh. know what he did when i stared at him back? he smiled and waved at me. straight away i looked at Lutfiah who's sitting beside me and looked back at him and look at him strangely, as if he's waving at nobody. HAHAHAHAH! sial eyh me? hahah. tau takperh. tak baek eyh. then talked to Shan. while talking o Shan, i got a strong feeling that that guy and his gang are still looking. i turned and look at him. this time, he look very sad and didn't wave at me. then i turned back to Shan. Inside my heart, i was like, " ahahahahahahaha! kesiaaaaan dieee..". cheeeeebaaaii eh. yeah. then after that, blablabla lagi, then after that it's time to change our clothes to our PE attire cuz we're gonna play Floorball. but i didn't play, cuz i'm sick. hahaha. alasan aye. but it's true. i told Miss Alia and she excused me from playing. baek perh. hehehe. while waiting for the girls to change their clothes, i waited outside the toilet with Miss Alia. then i walk around that area then suddenly somebody called me by making those irritating kissing-like sound. i turned around and look, it's the same guy who waved at me. i look at him and he waved at me. his other 2 friends just smiled at me. rase kesian plak eyh klau tak wave balek kat die. i just smiled and waved back at him. then i turned back. suddenly the same irritating sound, sounded again. i turned around, again. he looked at me, and was talking using sign language to me. he showed me the telephone/calling sign to me. he asked for my number. i looked at him like, " what?!". he smiled at me and showed me the same sign. i shook my head as if like saying "no" to him. then he showed me the "PLEEEAAASEEE??" sign. i smiled and shook my head again. then he was like, "haiz. nevermind lah. :D ". sempat die senyum kt aku lagi. hahahah. i just smiled back at him. then i waved at him, more like saying "goodbye". he smiled at me and waved at me. when i'm about to turn around, he called me again by that same sound. pusing balek, and know what he did? he Fly-kissed me. i was like," whatthajoke?!". i didn't do the same thing back okay. i just smiled at him and waved. he just waved back. wakakakakakakaka. haizz. inilah orang2 zaman sekarang. hahahaha. oh yeah. about the Floorball. everyone played with full of energy sia. while playing, i saw Rashidah tercampak kt sini, Nunu tercampak kt sana, Nana pon same. hahaha. but they played superbly. (: then the 2nd day, the first thing we do when we got there is BREAKFAST. hiakhiakhiakhiak. i shared the Chicken Porridge with Hannah cuz that's what we love to do. the porridge is so damn freaking hot. hahaha. hmm. exactly beside me and Hannah, there's this group of BUTO-IANS Mats kene Reps. they stared at us and continued eating. hahah. buto. nehmind. sombong laa sial. but after we finished our breakfast, that same group of BUTO-IANS was like, " eh. sombong ah seyh..", to Farysha and the others. Farysha and others was like LOL-ing with them. me and Hannah was like, " whatthehell. mother F sia.". diorang yang sombong siak. kejar pompan lawa, tapi muke nak step mats tak menjadsz. BUTO-IANS, as usual. then blablabla whatever shits, we were divided into 2 groups. the even and odd numbers groups. ThankGod i was in the same group with Hannah. heheheheh. then blablabla whatever shits, me and Hannah kasi alasan want to go to the washroom. we were given the permission and then Hannah straight away grabbed my hand and hold my hand(pimpin tangan lah eyh.). then there's this 2 MOTHER Fs extra. know what they said? " eh. korang LESBIAN perh?". they made my blood go upstairs sia. i looked at them angrily, then they quickly cabot. babi buto. tak tau paperh diam jer luh bodo. sial right? anyhow called us Lesbian. kimaakk die la. then blablabla whatever shit, we got to do a feedback survey about this ITE trip thingy. i just put anyhow and then at the back of the page they were asking what course do we want to take when/if we go to Nitec. i can't remember what i put but if i were to get in to Higher Nitec, i really want to go into the Early Childhood Education course! it's a very simple course. to teach the Nursery/Kindergarten kids...and i love small kids! seriously. :D that's why i want to into that course! hehehehe. then, BYEBYE, ITE MACPHERSON. That Mother F ; asal aku masih terfikirkan si CheeKentot tu?! Hannah, you should know who i'm referring to. even though i'm attached, idk why i still think of you, bastard. idk what's so good about you that my freaking head kept thinking about you but i know you didn't think of me, even for a few seconds. wth. bastard. Why would I fall in love with this person when he’s not meant for me after all? Why would I cry and long for someone who can never be mine? |
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
Darin Zanyarumm, hello ?nothing much to post uh de... BabyKu! [xCANDEED Vanessa Hudgens[xNow, only got t... WEYYYY! i dun really have the mood to post alot..c... A DAMN FUNNY INDIAN VIDEO TRANSLATED TO MALAY! xDW... All these precious moments,With you by my side.Mus... SHITface.wowwowwowwow. da lame tak update bloggy a... My handsome nak mam pey baby Boy (;ini tak kiyut. ... today ;went to school for D and T to finish up our... Happy 78th Birthday, Nanaaaa !the greatest grandfa... |
Walk Away . . .
Arranged in no particular order. I just think it's a waste of time alphabetizing them (:
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